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Recipe: Perfect Easy Sandwich - Creamcheese /Cucumber/Bell Pepper

Easy Sandwich - Creamcheese /Cucumber/Bell Pepper.

Easy Sandwich - Creamcheese /Cucumber/Bell Pepper You can cook Easy Sandwich - Creamcheese /Cucumber/Bell Pepper using 6 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Easy Sandwich - Creamcheese /Cucumber/Bell Pepper

  1. It's 8 oz of Philadelphia cream cheese -.
  2. It's 8 of Bread Firm - slices.
  3. Prepare of English Cucumber - Grated and Squeezed.
  4. It's 1/2 of Red Bell pepper -.
  5. It's of ginger grated - tiny bit.
  6. Prepare of Pepper powder - for taste.

Easy Sandwich - Creamcheese /Cucumber/Bell Pepper step by step

  1. Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl.
  2. Spread on the bread and close with another bread.
  3. Cit the edges and slice for a shape (Square or triangle).
  4. Enjoy!!.

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