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Recipe: Perfect Nutty Chocolate brownie Trifle recipe

Nutty Chocolate brownie Trifle recipe.

Nutty Chocolate brownie Trifle recipe You can cook Nutty Chocolate brownie Trifle recipe using 5 ingredients and 1 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Nutty Chocolate brownie Trifle recipe

  1. Prepare of Chocolate brownie (crumbs).
  2. Prepare of Chocolate ganache.
  3. Prepare of White whipped cream.
  4. Prepare of Chocolate whipped cream.
  5. It's of Nuts (cashew, Almonds).

Nutty Chocolate brownie Trifle recipe instructions

  1. Take bowl put some ganache and put crumble brownie now put white whipped cream and chocolate whipped cream and some more ganache garnish with some nuts keep it in fridge for half an hour and enjoy......

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